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A Quality Shotgun Travel Case

A Quality Shotgun Travel Case

In the 1990’s, I was invited to participate in a big shotgun event. Kind of a big deal back then. But being much younger, and less experienced, I didn’t own any sporting weapons. I have recounted the story many times how this shotgun came into my possession: Browning Sporting Clays Lightening II. So I won’t rehash that here.

But someone inquired about the case. So…here goes.

Travel Case closed. All aluminum. Reenforced corners and rivets.

The metal case you see pictured is made by Ziegel Engineering out of Kingsburg, California. It’s built like a tank and is easily…EASILY…rated for airline travel. Think of the old American Tourister commercials where a gorilla is jumping on your luggage.

Yeah. It’ll handle the big monkey no sweat. And this isn’t hyperbole, it would possibly survive a bomb blast. Yeah. It’s that good.

I bought it off an old federal agent who was big into the shotgun game. I paid $100 bucks for it. 20 years ago. I knew I got a deal when said agent approached me a few years later wanting to buy it back for $150. Then $175. Then $200. Nope.

I didn’t bite and the reason was simple. It was the ONLY case I had that could carry a shotgun in it and not look like I was part of a militia or serving dope warrants. Don’t discount that. It’s a real thing. For example, I bet one could walk into any fortune 100 boardroom, set this case on the table, and not get a second look. Well…assuming their security team doesn’t open the case on the way in. But you get my point.

Made in the USA. How often do you see this anymore?

For this article, I decided to do some research and it seems Ziegel Engineering is still in business and cranking out all kinds of hard cases. I don’t think they are well known on the tactical side of the house, but don’t let that dissuade you. These things are tanks. At least the one I have is.

A Quality Shotgun Travel Case

“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”

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