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Confirming Zero Texas Pig

100 yard group. Bang. Bang. Done. Shot it as fast as it took you to read the word "done".

One thing that continues to amaze me as I progress along in my hunting career are the amount of hunters who not confirm rifle zeros after traveling!?

After making it to the outfitter and getting some sleep, I was happy to discover a 100 yard zeroing range just steps form the bunkhouse porch. Sweet.

Two shots. Very quick. 270wby. 130 grain TTSX bullets: Bang! Bang! Done.

While I admit this group is nothing to write home about, I actually wasn’t trying for a match group. You see, one of my fellow hunters was having all kinds of hell confirming his rifle’s zero and spent the the better part of an hour figuring it out. He let the rest of us jump ahead, bang out a few, and eat dinner.

It’s a good thing he checked.



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