Home All T91 New Buffer Spring

T91 New Buffer Spring

T91 New Buffer Spring
T91 New Buffer Spring

Update to an older video from earlier this summer. We purchased a T91 lower parts kit and furniture to build a clone-correct T91 service rifle. 

Looking at the T91 vendor’s website, they recommended a heavier buffer system to counter bolt-carrier tilt. So I obliged. 

However, the spring was too heavy for reliable function. Even the FFL 07 said as much on delivery. So off to Officer Mike it went. He diagnosed which spring weight he thought was best and took care of it. 

Why didn’t I do it? Simple. I don’t know what makes guns work. It’s all obviously magic, so I let others dwell in the dark arts. I just pull triggers. 

This video is a function test to confirm his work. 






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