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Tag: EDC X9L

Making the Most of Bad Ammo

Just like many of you, we sometimes get hosed on purchases. During the height of the pandemic, we came into a single 1000 round...
Wilson Scorable Steel Target

Wilson Scorable Steel Target

Another video test.  Subject: The Wilson Combat scorable steel target.  Location: John1911 Range Pit. Pistol: EDC X9L Caliber: 9mm Shooter: Some old, fat dude.  ;-)     Sincerely,  Marky www.John1911.com “Shooting Guns & Having Fun”

5000 Rounds Fired – EDC X9L

5000 Rounds Fired First off, this video requires some explanation. It’s actually a video test. And since every video needs a goal, for the purpose...

Shooters Global Shot Timer

The Shooters Global / SG Shot timer is both a hardware and phone app implementation of a firearm shot timer. What is interesting about...

SRO – 4000 Rounds

So….we are not gear reviewers. But…we do get questions about how well the SRO is holding up? In a word: great!  With these pics it has...

Overcoming Trigger Freeze

So while focusing on mastering The Bill Drill, I started to notice some trigger freeze at speed. So in order to address that, and...

EDC X9L Bill Drill 2.29 Seconds

Working Bill Drills pretty hard lately. 7 yards. My goal is to hit 2 seconds or better. The good news is I have already...

Lost Gun In The Woods

So…I have a story. It’s a first for me which is saying something.  On or about November 10th, I was cutting some trees to reopen...

EDC X9L Holes-in-Holes Drill

Some have asked if I shot the EDC X9L for the Holes-in-Holes drill. I did. Here is the best group. The goal is to...

Draw From Concealment Work

Just putting in some work with my carry gun: EDC X9L.  I know I kinda harp on it but it needs to be said. If...

Empty Chamber Slide Drop – How It Happens

1911: Empty Chamber Slide Drop - How It Happens I have noticed a sudden uptick of interest in a video we made a few years...

EDC X9L – Why The Big One?

So…some have asked why choose a 5” model of 1911 as a go-to 1911? It’s mostly personal preference, but if you must:  I like...

EDC X9L Locking Lug Design

Ok. In this final installment of the advances and changes Wilson has made to the design of the EDC X9L gun.  What is it? In...

EDC X9L – Magazine Design

The Wilson EDC X9L double-stack series of guns have a significantly less bulky grip and feel when compared to a traditional 2011.  How do they...

EDC X9L: Extractor Design

The EDC X9L pistol is a 1911 built for modern duty standards. And anyone who is truthful about the original 1911 designs knows changing...