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The John1911 Podcast

EP-250: The Broken Episode

Episode 250 of the John1911 podcast is now live. The boys are back together, but unfortunatly the end of the pod ends abruptly due...
The John1911 Podcast

EP-248: Dude, Read the Room

Episode 248 of the John1911 Podcast: Western SF in Ukraine? Putin's women in bunkers. Chances of Russia using a nuke. Two Russian Major Generals...

1911 Drill – The X-Drill

Most effective pistol drills are simple and reinforce fundamental skills needed for run-and-gun scenarios. That is what we have here: The X-Drill Draw your weapon...
The John1911 Podcast

EP-246: Freezing Your Junk Off

Episode 246 of the John1911 Podcast: Russia Invades Ukraine. Will Wolf Ammo Disappear? We Used To Buy Out Of Ukraine. The Larry Vickers 1911...

Advice – Your First Custom 1911 

Our friend Andy sent over these photos of his Wilson Millennium Protector. These were produced just before, and around, the year 2000. Hence the...
The John1911 Podcast

EP-245: The Anaconda People

Episode 245 of the John1911 Podcast is now live: Putin yacht flees Germany. The Golden AK hit. Russian athlete takes what?! American Yellow Journalism. ...

1911 Drill – Extended Prep or Press

Picked this up from Mike Seeklander. If you are interested in online firearms training, I suggest you look him up. He can explain this...
The John1911 Podcast

EP-238: He Went Around The Horn

Episode 238 of the John1911 podcast: Danny returns! She don’t move like no rookie. Anti-Cop Dems get robbed. BATFE switches to E-forms. The Daunte...
The John1911 Podcast

EP-237: Bought a French Sniper Rifle

Episode 237 of the John1911 podcast: Buying a French FRF2 Sniper. Send us questions. Is SHOT Show relevant? Bob Dole - Now it can...

Still The One

Still the one. Wilson EDC X9L —Marky #john1911 #edcx9l #edcx9 #9mm1911s #1911
Deer Season. Opening Weekend. 2021.

The Gauntlet Has Been Thrown

Editor’s note: On opening weekend it appears the youngest amongst us have not only succeeded, but likely set the bar for the rest. Congratulations....

Giraffe Bone: Working Man’s Ivory

Ivory is as popular as ever, but the prices and restrictions are becoming larger and larger hurtles. There is a cheaper alternative however. —Editor       Freeze www.John1911.com “Shooting...
The John1911 Podcast

EP-229: F. You, Pay Me!

Episode 229 of the John1911 Podcast is in the can: Freeze’s money payment system. “Let’s Go Branden”. ”Lieutenant Colonel Crazy. Is Gen. Mattis gay? ...
Rifle qualifications.

POTD – 50BMG Magazine

POTD - 50BMG Magazine At some point I am going to have to talk about the 50 we had on site. Probably not for a...
Pistol Box Drill

Old Man Runs Box Drill

It’s 97 degrees and every time I run, the damn PACT timer falls off! So even though there is not timer, at least I...