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Tag: SCAR-16

POTD - Undisclosed armory location.

POTD – Armory Undisclosed Location

Thought some of you might find pics like this interesting. The John1911 Reference Collection is currently hiding at an “undisclosed location” a la Dick...

Close Range Steel Safety Testing

So we are working on getting the upper range finished. And one thing that has been a nagging issue up there is steel that...

ACR Stock for SCAR?

Someone reached out and wanted to know why I haven’t replaced the “UGG” boot on our SCAR-16? The reason is actually quite simple. Regardless of...

It Snowed on the Range Today

Washington and politics and the media are just too much some days. It’s at moments like this I appreciate the penultimate universal right of...

Trying To Start a Fire in The Rain

Was shooting the SCAR out in the pouring rain yesterday. Discovered something unexpected. More on that later. In the meantime, enjoy the light show. Ammo...

SCAR-16 Light Reconfigure

Been making some changes to the SCAR-16 since it is being moved up to Truck-Gun duty. I have replaced the Scout Light with a Surefire...

Removing the SCAR Front Sight

The video below better explains the process for removing the factory SCAR front sight. The short version? Drive out the roll-pin on the right...

POTD — Long Guns Checked Into Armory

All my working long-guns are checked back in the armory. It's rare for them all to be together. Some may be disappointed by the selections...

FN SmartCore SCAR Rifle Shot Counter

A buddy of mine is at the IDEX Arms Show in UAE this week. Knowing I am a SCAR rifle guy, he wanted to...

Video — Disassembly of SCAR 16 Piston

I get this question usually from people interested in picking up a SCAR rifle. How easy is it to clean the gas system /...

Video — SCAR-16 Reassembly

Video — SCAR-16 Reassembly   Marky www.john1911.com "Shooting Guns & Having Fun"

Video -SCAR-16 Disassembly

Video of the SCAR-16 disassembly process.   Marky www.john1911.com "Shooting Guns & Having Fun"

Video — Checking Torque on SCAR-16

After complete disassembly of the SCAR-16, we took it out to conform the screw torque settings were holding. This is just a small segment...

FAMAS Translation — Every Single One

There have been rumors floating around for a few weeks that the French Military had chosen the HK416 (piston AR) over the FN SCAR-16...

Bolt-on Side Charging Handle

OK. Let me start off with a confession: I can’t believe I like this product. And I know as I am typing this many...