Tag: SHS
SHS-58: FNS-9 w/ 6 Magazines
On this episode of the Second Hand Showcase, we have a pistol I am very familiar with: The FNS-9. This example seems hardly used:
SHS 57: Ruger Model 44 Carbine
If you are a fan of the 10/22 but always wanted it in a bigger caliber? Then this could be the gun for you:
SHS 56 – Mauser 98 Action
On this episode of the Second Hand Showcase, we are looking at something that will soon go as extinct as the Dinosaur: The WWII...
SHS 55 – P38 Pistol by Mauser
On this episode of the Second Hand Showcase, we have a German P38 pistol made by Mauser. WWII production. While not in like new...
SHS-54: Smith & Wesson Model 41
On this episode of the Second Hand Showcase we are looking at a legendary target gun. The Smith & Wesson Model 41. IMO what ...
SHS 53: Colt Trooper MK III Unfired
What we have here is a pretty unique gun. For two reasons. The first being it originates from a time when the go-to handgun...
SHS-52: Swiss 1906/24 Luger
On this episode of the Second Hand Showcase (SHS), we are looking at a rare gun. A Swiss Luger Model 1906/24 brought into the...
SHS-51: Winchester 1894 30-30
On this episode of the Second Hand Showcase, we are looking at a Pre-64 Winchester Lever Gun. Since this gun is located in Ohio,...
SHS 50: S&W 629-1
On this episode of the Second Hand Showcase (SHS), we are looking at the stainless steel version of the Dirty Harry 44 Magnum. “The...
SHS-49: Swedish Mauser
On this episode of the Second Hand Showcase we are looking at a rifle and caliber combination near and dear to my heart: An...
SHS48: Remington R1 Commander
On this episode of the Second Hand Showcase, we are looking at a used gun that is actually not very old. The Remington R1...
SHS-47: Smith & Wesson Pre-Model 10
What we are looking at on this episode of the Second Hand Showcase is an oldie but a goodie. A model 10 before there...
SHS-45: Russian SKS
SHS-45: Russian SKS
On this episode of the Second Hand Showcase, we are looking at Russian SKS. But what caught my eye about this rifle...
SHS 44 – K31 w/Diopter Sights
So on this episode of the Second Hand Showcase we are looking a pretty neat rifle. A Swiss K31. But unlike the pallets and...
SHS-43: Winchester 88 caliber 308
On this episode we are looking at the Winchester 88 that I would want to buy: 308. A caliber we already support. Here are...