Tag: Straight Pull Rifle
Ross Rifle Bayonet
Some of our podcast listeners know we have been playing with a Canadian made, US marked Ross Rifle. It’s in 303 and is a...
Confirming Zero Texas Pig
One thing that continues to amaze me as I progress along in my hunting career are the amount of hunters who not confirm rifle...
Looking For Blaser 556 Barrel
I wasn’t really sure what to title this post. The runner-ups:
“Help! I’ve fallen and I can’t get it up!”
“Desperately Seeking Susan”
“Das Barrel!!!”
“Dreams of My...
Zeroing 338LM Blaser Tactical 2
First confession: I very rarely ever shoot from an actual bench. Literally 99% of my rifle shooting is done prone or positional. Just about...
Merkel RX Helix Hunting Rifle
First off let me make this clear: We are not gear reviewers. Sure, you will see stories and pictures and postulations of guns and...
Schmidt-Rubin 7.5 Swiss At the Range
We ran across a guy shooting a Schmidt-Rubin the other day. Very nice rifle. Since we were also running a straight-pull rifle (Blaser R8),...