Home 1911 Pistols 1911 Drill – Extended Prep or Press

1911 Drill – Extended Prep or Press

1911 Shooting Drill - Extended Prep or Press
1911 Shooting Drill - Extended Prep or Press

Picked this up from Mike Seeklander. If you are interested in online firearms training, I suggest you look him up. He can explain this drill better than I can here. 

The Extended Prep or Press Drill is an endeavor to find your perfect grip. The definition of that grip being one where the gun moves as little as possible, while also having the sights return, naturally, to the same POA after each shot. 

Since I haven’t seriously shot a single stack 1911 in a long while, I figured this was a good place to start back up with the Wilson eXperior this year. 

If you are interested in looking Mike up, check him out at https://www.shooting-performance.com






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