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308 Indian Enfield

308 Caliber Enfield

I was looking at e-mails from one of my big time gun sources and noticed their 303 Brit ammo was 40% more expensive than their 308 ammo from the same maker. I don’t care what tax bracket you find yourself in, that is a huge difference.

As an American shooter, I gravitate towards guns in standard calibers: 556 – 308. It tends to be plentiful and affordable. Sometimes I see deals on match ammo. Other times I find deals on surplus military ball. Not to mention the odd soft-point and ballistic tip stuff.

Which gets me to this 308 Enfield. Many think it’s a conversion. No. The Indian government wanted to standardize with UK and NATO so they purpose built these with 7.62 barrels. And here’s the greatest thing, while the stocks look like they have been through hell and back, most barrels are hardly shot.

308 Enfield have a squarish box magazine instead of the rounded angular 303 version.
308 Enfields have a squarish box magazine instead of the rounded angular 303 version.

Relatively speaking to other 308 milsurp rifles anyway.

Notice the “battlepack” of 180 rounds. Military ball. I have enough 308 rifles that feeding another one is no big deal. This is doubly true when discussing bolt guns! Keeping 303 on hand for one gun means I have a gun that isn’t going to get shot very much.

The stock has quite a few repairs. Possibly recycled when this was built.
The stock has quite a few repairs. Possibly recycled when this was built.

So…if you are in the market for a real Enfield rifle, keep an eye out for the ones sporting the squarish magazines. The official names are Ishapore 2A and 2A1. These are the Indian 308’s made new in the 1960’s. And they rock!



“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”

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