Home All VP9 17rd Magazines & RDS Cuts

VP9 17rd Magazines & RDS Cuts

HK 17rd Optics Ready
HK 17rd Optics Ready

Well…this “new” Heckler & Koch business model that pays attention to the US market is coming at us fast. 

First they made a US style mag release. (FYI, the paddle IS head and shoulders superior but a sign they listen).

HK Vp9 with factory RDS cut.
HK Vp9 with factory RDS cut.

Second they came out with a VP9 Long Slide kit with O-ring.

Third factory 20 round VP magazines. 

17rd HK factory VP9 magazines.
HK 2020 SHOT Show release about the RDS guns. And slipped into the text: 17 round magazines

Now? It’s factory standard RDS cut slides, 17-round flush fit magazines and MP5 “pistols”! 

I always new that, “We’re H&K & you suck” meme was a bunch of bullshit made up by fan-boys looking for excuses over poor business decisions. 

HK VP9 17 rd magasine.
Confirmation the 17 rd magazine talk is NOT a typo.

These days? I’m liking this new H&K. They are real players now. 






“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”

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