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The Real American Gun Violence Stats

Gun Violence The Real Stats
Gun Violence The Real Stats


That is the left’s interpretation of reality. Blame Guns.

Let me ask a question, a logical question.  93% of the guns owned in the USA Today are owned by the 70% of the population that is White.  So,  if Guns are the problem, why is it that 93% of the gun deaths are not from guns owned by and used by White People?   In fact, less than 6% of gun deaths in the USA have both the shooter and the victim White.

Is one side playing fast and loose with the numbers?
Is one side playing fast and loose with the numbers?

Guns are not the problem.  Sociological issues in some segments of American cities, are the problem. Guns are just the means.

And as long as the people of the USA refuse to recognize the cause of these killings, and as long as people are so racist as to ignore where the problems are, nothing will be solved.

Baltimore homicide rate as of July 20th. It's higher as of today, Aug 7th, 2020.
Baltimore homicide rate as of July 20th. It’s higher as of today, Aug 7th, 2020.

The City of Baltimore just reported more than 350 shooting deaths, almost all Black people being shot by Black People.  Chicago reports an epidemic of shootings in Chicago’s South Side, in an area that is almost exclusively Black population.  Since March 2020, all these situations have become worse.

C.L. Bryant talking about Black on Black Crime.
C.L. Bryant talking about Black on Black Crime.

To ignore what is happening in America’s urban Black communities is irresponsible and racist.  And to yell about Guns to divert attention from the serious work of fixing the real problems, is simply wrong.  What it shows is that those who campaign against guns do not really care about Black lives.

Some argue the Black-on-black argument is not true or motivated by racism.
Some argue the Black-on-black argument is not true or motivated by racism.

Why is it that politicians on the left talk about guns incessantly?  My guess is that they do so to divert attention and resources from dealing with the real problems,  the underlying problems causing criminal gun usage in some communities.  They seem to find it easier to accept that number of Black on Black shootings and crime, which is real racism, than to confront and solve the problems.

No matter your political persuasion, the most endangered person in US society is the Black Male.
No matter your political persuasion, the most endangered person in US society is the Black Male.

Unless we take a hard look at the real causes of problems, and yes, including racism, nothing gets fixed. 

Of course, there are those on the left that want to take away guns as a matter of ideology. They produce all sorts of charts,  showing how gun deaths are higher in the USA than in European nations, but they ignore the fact that, of course, gun deaths would be higher in a country where people own guns than in countries where people do not.  

London Knife Epidemic.
London Knife Epidemic.

Now, you want a fair comparison? Compare the rate of violent crime in the USA to violent crime in Western Europe.  You might find, interestingly, that in the country where people have guns and the right to own them, the violent crime rate is a fraction of the rates in every European nation with the exceptions of Switzerland and Portugal.  The fate, according to Interpol, is 320 per 100,000 in the USA. 1750 per 100,000 in France.  2600 per 100,000 in the UK.  And the crime rate, for violent crimes, is smaller in those states where gun laws are liberal and higher in those states that restrict gun ownership. Think about it.

Violent crime in Europe is actually much higher than us media reports.
Violent crime in Europe is actually much higher than us media reports.

But the left wants no one to have guns.  They want to go back to a time when there are no “equalizers”,  where the big and strong can victimize the smaller and weaker, and the only recourse the victims have is calling the police.

Politicians use this subject as a political football for power. Not to help people.
Politicians use this subject as a political football for power. Not to help people.

And remember,  the police come after someone is beaten or dead, after the home is invaded and ransacked. They do not defend you. They do not prevent crime, as one can see from the much higher rates of violent crime in the UK and France, where people cannot defend themselves, than in the US where many can. Think about it.  

What do the so-called Liberals want?  Just attention?  Or to make Americans vulnerable and fearful so they are more easily controlled.



Reuven Efraim


“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”

Reuven Efraim
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