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Shooters Global Shot Timer

Shooters Global Shot Timer Review. SG Shot Timer Review.

The Shooters Global / SG Shot timer is both a hardware and phone app implementation of a firearm shot timer. What is interesting about the hardware portion is it’s relative simplicity to understand and use. 

Basically it has 3 buttons. Up, down and Select. The select also functions as a start / stop button during the shooting sequence. 

Unlike all other shot timers that basically force the user to use their limited buttons and itty-bitty screens as some kind of braille / morse-code clicker; the SG timer has a fully functional menu system with complete words and logic. 

You want to set delay start times? Easy. 

You want to set par times? Easy. 

You want to see splits? Easy. 

So right there, it’s better than the competition. But the phone app used in conjunction with the timer allows you to record the shot data and display it in real time on a video. As you can see in this video demo. 

Additional info:

From what I can tell, you can select sensitivity of the timer for any gun or caliber should you need to do so. Additionally it has default settings for suppressed guns. We have tested it with a 308 caliber SCAR-20s. It picks up shot times off a Thunder Beast can merely with the default settings. No muss, no fuss. 

Also from what I have seen online, it might allow the user to design or layout actual drills or stages from matches. So perhaps one can shoot pre-set stages against other shooters, on video, to see how you rate? Maybe? I think? Not that I have tried this out, but it seems to be offering that. 


All we have done is some basic shooting with the system. Also…the example we have in our hands is a preproduction sample. I do not believe these are shipping to customers at the time of this video. (May 21st, 2021) So…we have to acknowledge I have a product in hand that may not exist in the real world yet. 

However…I think it’s fair to say, the SG Timer has moved the shot-timer standard into the 21st Century. Just by what we HAVE used it for. If…and we are at “IF” right now…the theoretical features I am seeing come to pass, the industry could literally be seeing distributed training classes and competitions in the future. 

Imagine getting a Rob Leatham or Bob Vogel video run on a SG timer. Setting up the same drill at your home range and seeing how you rate? Shot for shot for shot. Split for split for split. 


This could be huge. 






“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”

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