Home All Weird Bayonet Markings

Weird Bayonet Markings

Bayonet Markings
Notches or markings on handle.

This bayonet was spotted at our local FFL and I thought the conversation was worth sharing here. 

Notice the notches in the handle? Interesting. Does it mean anything? We’ll never know. Was it done later after this gun’s service history was over? We’ll never know. 

Bayonet Markings
Bayonet maker’s mark.

But the gun shop did postulate one thing: Notice it’s 5 vertical notches, not 4? He guesses the marks were not made by an American, otherwise he would have done the 5th mark across the other 4. 

Bayonet Markings
Standard Mauser bayonet and scabbard.

Outside of speculation, nothing is different on the gun or the rifle. It is also not priced any differently than other Mauser’s of same make and configuration. Why? Buy the gun, not the story. Nobody knows what the real story is. 

Bayonet Markings
Notches or markings on handle.

Life goals: Find an FFL who sells you guns, not stories. 






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