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Ed Lovette Has Passed Away

Ed Lovette Has Passed
Ed Lovette - Firearms trainer, CIA officer, SF captain, police officer, has passed.

Got word a few days ago my old friend Ed Lovette passed away.

I can only assume most folks today don’t know who Ed Lovette was, which is a shame. But he left behind a decent body of written word for those interested. A couple of books: The Snubby Revolver: The ECQ, Backup, and Concealed Carry Standard and co-author of Defensive Living: Preserving Your Personal Safety through Awareness, Attitude and Armed Action. 

Ed Lovette - Snubby Revolver Retirement Class
Ed’s seminole book on the snubby revolver.

In addition to these, he was a columnist at Combat Handguns magazine for a number of years. 

Ed worked as a police officer, a US Army Specials Forces captain and then went on to join the CIA as an operations officer in their paramilitary division.

Ed Lovette - Snubby Revolver Retirement Class
Ed instructing at his retirement class.

In these modern times, with those credentials, one would assume Ed to have been some kind of braggart or “operator operating, operationally”. And you couldn’t be further from the truth. 

He was from a much different generation.

Ed Lovette - Snubby Revolver Retirement Class
Ed discussing employment of a snubby while seated at table or booth.

Ed Lovette was a quiet, thoughtful, prince of a man. Equipped with a dry sense of humor, a crooked little smile, and just the right glint in his eye when delivering it. If you were lucky enough to know him. 

Ed Lovette - Snubby Revolver Retirement Class
At Ed’s retirement class, many instructors came in from around the country to pay their respects…and to pad their classroom content. No worries. Ed encouraged it!

Never a million years would would he have been pegged as SF or CIA. Ever. The quintessential “gray man” 40 years before that term existed. 

To the rest of the world, Ed Lovette can best be described as a career public servant, patriot, snubby revolver aficionado, teacher, and a sold rock professional. 

Thank you, Ed, for all that you did for me. 






“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”

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