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A Great Ruger Trigger in Minutes



Bx trigger: Ruger’s new BX Trigger for the 10/22 rifle drops in easily and has a trigger pull of about 2 3/4 pounds pull.


I have to hand it to Ruger for its constant innovation—especially applying new ideas to time-proven products.  Polymer-frame revolvers and the new delta ring/nut on the AR-556 are just two examples of this innovation. Right on the heels of the AR-556, Ruger has done it again with the introduction of the BX-Trigger for the ubiquitous 10/22 and the Elite 452 MSR trigger for the AR-15.

The BX-Trigger is completely drop-in.  Simply take the barreled action out of the stock, push out the two pins retaining the trigger group and swap it out with the BX group. It takes about 5 minutes and it reduces the trigger pull to a really sweet 2 3/4 pounds pull.



Elite 452 MSR: While it looks like a drop-in unit, the pistol grip of new Elite 452 MSR trigger is a slave housing Ruger uses to test each trigger that is passed along to the consumer to store their old trigger.

The Elite 452 MSR trigger looks like you should similarly be able to push out a couple of pins and swap out the pistol grip with trigger group, but the pistol grip is actually innovative packaging. I was recently speaking with Ruger’s Mark Gurney about the Elite 452 MSR trigger and he explained how they function each and every one of these trigger groups. “We have to assemble it to test it, so we put it in a slave housing.”

Turns out it costs about as much to pay someone to take the parts back out of the slave housing as it does to just make a new one, so once function is tested Ruger just packages the whole thing and uses a new housing for testing the next trigger and so on. The cool thing is that the housing gives you somewhere to keep your old trigger parts, and if you’re so inclined, you can use it with your old trigger to practice your trigger pull.

Scott Mayer
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