In the 1990’s, I was invited to participate in a big shotgun event. Kind of a big deal back then. But being much younger, and less experienced, I didn’t own any sporting weapons. I have recounted the story many times how this shotgun came into my possession: Browning Sporting Clays Lightening II. So I won’t rehash that here.
But someone inquired about the case. So…here goes.

The metal case you see pictured is made by Ziegel Engineering out of Kingsburg, California. It’s built like a tank and is easily…EASILY…rated for airline travel. Think of the old American Tourister commercials where a gorilla is jumping on your luggage.
Yeah. It’ll handle the big monkey no sweat. And this isn’t hyperbole, it would possibly survive a bomb blast. Yeah. It’s that good.
I bought it off an old federal agent who was big into the shotgun game. I paid $100 bucks for it. 20 years ago. I knew I got a deal when said agent approached me a few years later wanting to buy it back for $150. Then $175. Then $200. Nope.
I didn’t bite and the reason was simple. It was the ONLY case I had that could carry a shotgun in it and not look like I was part of a militia or serving dope warrants. Don’t discount that. It’s a real thing. For example, I bet one could walk into any fortune 100 boardroom, set this case on the table, and not get a second look. Well…assuming their security team doesn’t open the case on the way in. But you get my point.

For this article, I decided to do some research and it seems Ziegel Engineering is still in business and cranking out all kinds of hard cases. I don’t think they are well known on the tactical side of the house, but don’t let that dissuade you. These things are tanks. At least the one I have is.

“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”
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