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Arms Factory

Gang Drill Press.

Ok how many of you have ever entertained the fantasy of starting your own gun company? Or designing and building your own guns? Be it as a business or just being that guy?

Ever wonder what it would take to make guns? Really. How about in the pre-CNC computerized days? Now think about all the cool guns that were being made before multi-million dollar, HAL-9000, nuclear powered, NASA operated, gun factories came on the scene.

I don’t know about you, but MOST of the guns on my, “dream gun” list were thought up, laid out and built on old-school technology. Functionally by hand.

So with that back story in mind, just know I spent more time in the Buffalo Bill Museum Arms Factory than the average visitor. Enjoy the pics and let your mind wander….


“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”

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