DOD put these images out and I thought they were interesting. Here we see members of the US 101st shooting some Brazilian Army 556 FAL rifles.

We currently own a 556 chambered FAL and it is a hoot to shoot. What really makes the difference is the rifle was built from the ground up to be a 556 caliber weapon. So the entire system is just slightly smaller than it’s bigger 762 parent. In the hand it feels lively and svelte.

If you look objectively at these images, and drop the 762 biases, the modern features on these FAL’s rifles become apparent. It’s not a big leap to wonder if they would sell well in the United States?

Said it before and I will say it again, I fully expect one day that some maker / importer will offer a line of 556 chambered FAL’s. And if the current FAL fan base figures out how handy and fun they are to shoot, that company will make a proverbial mint.
“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”
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