Home All Buyer Beware: The Worst Deal at Camp Perry 2015

Buyer Beware: The Worst Deal at Camp Perry 2015

Springfield Armory @ Camp Perry '15

As our regular readers know, we hit the National Matches up at Camp Perry every year. If you have never been, put it on your bucket list. The National Matches are the shooting sports equivalent of The Super Bowl. Civilian and military shooters from around the world show up to test their skills and catch up with old friends.


It’s really a neat chance to rub shoulders with some of the world’s best shooters. As such, it also attracts industry vendors. They always reside in cement block buildings known as “vendors row”. If you are looking to buy reloading supplies, ammo, shooting jackets, aftermarket triggers, competition guns, etc. This is a place to check out.

Springfield Armory HK91 - G3 Magazines
Springfield Armory HK91 – G3 Magazines


But you would best be served by knowing what the market prices are. The National Matches are not a flea market. And while I am not criticizing this vendor for the price tags shown here, I am using it as a good example of “Caveat Emptor”. If someone will pay the price, then that is what the market says it is worth, right? Sure…you go right ahead. Clue: You’ll notice we www.tacticaltshirts.com don’t sell t-shirts for $40.00 either. 


HK 91 - G3 Magazines
HK 91 – G3 Magazines


How about HK 91 – G3 Magazines for $25.00 a piece?!!!!! Many of these looked used as well. Here’s pro-tip. I can buy NEW UNISSUED HK 91 – G3 Magazines all day for $5-6.00 a piece. And used magazines for $4.00! The last lot I purchased was a box of 20! So they certainly aren’t HARD to find or difficult to obtain. But being a survivor of the “Assault Weapons Ban nightmare”, my policy is to buy a lifetimes worth of magazines for any weapon I own. Emotionally…I know what Pop’s was thinking when he hid gold coins in the floor. FDR would be back and he wasn’t going to get fooled again.


And I admit…I suffer from the same mentality….would like to have a few more. So…I was compelled to finger-love some G3 mags at Camp Perry. Unfortunately for mi Amigos, I brought unwanted attention to our merry band by the involuntary sound that exited my mouth upon seeing the prices! WTF?!?!?


And no, the sales person behind the counter didn’t have the heart — or was it balls? — to make eye contact either.

#highwayrobbery #kissmefirst #GTFOH #OhHellNo #MightAsWellAsk25Billion




“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”