Home All DDI12—12-gauge AK

DDI12—12-gauge AK

12-gauge AK from Destructive Devices Industries

You’re probably familiar with the 12-gauge Saiga or the Molot-made Vepr that we reviewed here last year. Now there’s a new 12-gauge AK from Destructive Devices Industries called the DDI12 that is going to give those two a run for their money. It incorporates the following features: Left side charging handle, long sight radius including fiber optic sights, ambidextrous AR-15-style safety selectors, Saiga style magazine, chrome lined bore, four-position gas regulator and reversible rear sling loop. The DDI12 is reportedly compatible with most aftermarket Saiga 12 accessories.


Scott Mayer



“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”

Scott Mayer
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