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Fake Border Patrol Truck on US Side of Border

Fake US Border Patrol Vehicle Detected in US.

The regular media won’t publish stories about this nationally. Why? Nobody wants to discuss how out of control the organized crime problem is in Mexico. But the escape of “El Chapo” from the Mexican maximum penitentiary should be a clue.

Consider something. How much money does it take to make fake US Government vehicles? And is there enough money in just smuggling people to justify the cost? Now consider this, we have detected Mexican organized crime impersonating US Military personnel on the border. How much of a stretch is it to impersonate Mexican government organizations? Or just simply buy into them? Or even American?

Illegals found inside a fake US Border Patrol vehicle.
Illegals found inside a fake US Border Patrol vehicle.

Mexico is the ticking time-bomb of American politics. All it is going to take is one or two more high-profile incidents to change the politics of things: Assassinations, killings, or some as yet unforeseen event.

If everything I have said seems one sided, xenophobic, racists, bigoted, or otherwise not worthy of consideration in your mind; riddle me this: Every Mexican citizen that is afraid, killed, assaulted, kidnapped, raped, or otherwise forced to live a life of fear and enslavement because of organized crime: Is a victim of American Democratic-Party politics.

Fake US Border Patrol Vehicle Detected in US.
Fake US Border Patrol Vehicle Detected in US.

Rolling your eyes? OK. Fine. How come everyone is all hot-to-trot to “deny” ISIS income to function, but NOBODY talks about doing the same thing to Mexican organized crime? You really don’t believe the US Military with all it’s electronic, drone and SF capabilities couldn’t destroy Mexican cartels LONG before they even reach the border?

“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”