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First Responder AAR: Pulse Nightclub Terror Attack

Mass Casualty Event. First out. First Saved.

This letter was originally shared by James Yeager of Tactical Response. I thought it was worth sharing with our readers. I have a few observations before you dive in:

First: Accidents happen. Negligent Discharges Happen. When you read about the one referenced in this article, think about it in terms of lessons learned and training YOU can do to mitigate the odds of Murphy visiting your callout. I am still amazed that the “situational awareness” crowd haven’t figured out what they are really saying is, “I’m too smart to have that happen to me”. Uh huh. I’d bet major money the ND officer involved in this incident parroted that same, bull-crap, mindset.

Second: Bodily fluids and communicable diseases: Before you get offended think about this fact: Most people walking around with HEP C, HIV and every other blood born pathogen these days tend to be heterosexual since they are a majority of the human race. More blood = More bugs.

Third: First reports are almost always wrong. As seen here.

See letter below.

“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”

From an Alumni: “As a member of the American College of Surgeons I get some special articles from time to time on trauma team responses. I thought the one I received on the Pulse Night club shooting in Orlando from the June 12, 2016 had some salient points I took away from the article.
1. 250 rounds of “.233” (yeah they messed that part up) and 9mm inside a building = everyone without ear pro is temporarily deaf.
2. 106 patrons of a “gay” bar (plus one swat team member) shot inside a closed space = 100% chance that some of the blood was contaminated with HIV, Hepatitis B, C and multiple other communicable diseases.

bodily fluids on floor.
bodily fluids on floor.

3. A third of the victims were shot in the head. People shot in the head bleed a long time as the heart will keep pumping until it runs dry = lots of contaminated blood on the floor to slip and fall.

Bodily fluids on floor.
Bodily fluids on floor.

4. Some of the victims had ten injuries. Lots of holes = lots of contaminated blood on the floor.
5. There was a false report of gun fire in the emergency room at the trauma hospital and the trauma emergency department went on lock down in the middle of this disaster while trying to treat the victims = Chaos leads to even more chaos.

Inside the club before shooting.
Inside the club before shooting.

6. One Swat team member was shot in the head during the subsequent raid and his Kevlar helmet fractured but he sustained NO intracranial injuries = Wear your helmet.
7. One-third of victims were quickly transported using pickup trucks, patrol cars and on foot = don’t wait for the ambulance. Control the bleeding the best you can and haul ass. The rule is early cessation of hemorrhage and rapid resuscitation. There were 38 victims that arrived in 42 minutes = Turn and burn. Apply the tourniquet and burn rubber. If you or your loved one is the victim you want to be at the front of that line so get there ASAP. Once you are on the operating table they must finish with you before moving on to the next victim.”

Mass Casualty Event. First out. First Saved.
Mass Casualty Event. First out. First Saved.
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