Home All Holy Grail Speed Loader — HKS S&W 547 9mm Luger

Holy Grail Speed Loader — HKS S&W 547 9mm Luger

Right side of 547 with the HKS 547 Speed Loader.

The S&W K-framed 547 is a rare revolver. It’s not super rare like some registered magnums, but uncommon. The reason being when these were made, they didn’t sell. Back then, nobody…and I mean…nobody…wanted a 9mm Revolver. Everybody wanted a magnum. Or at least a 38 Special.

I consider it a small wonder that HKS even made a speed loader for this little gun. After searching high and low at my regional cop-shops, I found one online. New. Un-opened box.

When the loader came into the armory, the plastic was literally yellow with age! While I would like to have a few more, I doubt that’ll ever happen. For me, the 547 is familiarization weapon anyway. A revolver that shoots the 9mm Luger round with very little recoil. So running drills with 6 in the cylinder and a speed-reload is functionally fine for my needs.

But if you have one laying around doing nothing, I will gladly take it off your hands.

L-R: 442, 940, Model 25, Model 64, 547.
L-R: 442, 940, Model 25, Model 64, 547.

“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”

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