Home All Inert Training Rifles

Inert Training Rifles

Inert Military Training Rifles

While the term “blue gun” is a relatively recent development in firearms training circles, the concept of inert training weapons is not. Some are metal copies. Others are polymer or some other type of plastic. Even more might be actual weapons that are “cut away” to show internal operating mechanisms.

Notice the Anti-Aircraft Launcher on the left. Redeye? Stinger?
Notice the Anti-Aircraft Launcher on the left. Redeye? Stinger?

BTW…my favorite are cutaways. Nothing teaches faster about the internal workings of a firearm than a cutaway. More on that on upcoming posts.

Inert Military Training Rifles
Inert Military Training Rifles

Take a close look at these training devices: M60, 249SAW, RPG-7, Redeye(?), M79, etc are all nonfunctioning, training items. Even the bayonets are fake. While individually these may not be something of interest to the average gun-guy, a collection of them on a wall always produces a impressive display.

Special Mention: Real Bayonets and edged weapons.
Special Mention: Real Bayonets and edged weapons.

If you know where a couple of these are laying about collecting dust, think about picking them up and hanging them in your man cave. They will go nowhere but up in value.


“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”
