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LRF in Morning Fog

Bushnell LRF - Laser Range Finder Morning Fog
Had to start small and hit the picnic table at close range.

While sitting on the back of my truck drinking coffee one morning, it occurred to me I hadn’t ever really tried the Bushnell LRF in the fog. It didn’t go great at first. But I think I found a fog setting which helped.

Also…the fog lifted some by the time I got it squared away. So these pics don’t really do the scene justice. However don’t dismiss even this light stuff. 

At 300 yards, this level of obscurity can be significant for the human eye. It’s all a tradeoff. Sure…Crane Naval Surface Warfare Center has some kind of LRF that burns through fog and burns off enemy eyebrows! 

But what practical use is that if the user can’t see what he’s trying to laze to begin with? Ultimately never pass up an opportunity to test your gear in uncommon conditions. You just might learn something?






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