Home 1911 Pistols Mags, Mats and Shok-Buff’s

Mags, Mats and Shok-Buff’s

Wilson Combat EDC X9L Magazines, Show-Buffs & takedown Tool.
Wilson Combat EDC X9L Magazines, Show-Buffs & takedown Tool.

Generally it is accepted practice to have 3 mags on hand for a pistol to be “useable”. And that is true. For people who don’t really shoot that much. 

But if you are a person who measures the number of rounds fired per year by multiples of 1000, three mags is the long way around to the barn door. 

Here is how I generally do it: I like to have at least 10 magazines. I sit under the shelter and load them all at once, while drinking water and performing other admin tasks.

Once that is complete, I move into the next training iteration. Wether I am running and gunning or doing 1-R-1’s, I go through all the loaded magazines. When empty, I log rounds fired and any other performance data generated. 

Head back to the shelter and start the process over again. 

Here is the latest package from Wilson. 4 more 18rd magazines, a pack of Shok-Buffs, EDC X9 takedown tool, and one of their schematic EDC X9 / X9L mats. 






“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”

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