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Mustard Gas Injuries

Mustard Gas Injuries Syria

It was reported this week that a US Military compound in Iraq – Syria was shelled with Mustard Gas. While not what I consider a high-end chemical weapon, I figure it would be worth addressing here.


Delivery System Mustard Gas Syria
Delivery System Mustard Gas Syria

Mustard Gas isn’t very hard to make or obtain. Which is why groups like ISIS have it in theater. But there is more to the story. In my opinion, we will see mustard gas attacks in a major Western city in my lifetime. If you don’t believe me consider this, Islamic terrorists have easily gotten rocket launchers and military ORD into Europe. And every day, Mexican drug cartels import tons of heroin onto the streets of the United States. Mustard Gas gas isn’t a heavy lift.

Mustard Gas Injuries Syria
Mustard Gas Injuries Syria

Still don’t believe me? AQ made their bones in the worldwide media by successfully knocking down some buildings in the United States. A competing group would love to go down in history as the masterminds of the first successful use of WMD’s in the GWOT. For those about to ask, No: in professional circles, airplanes aren’t really WMD’s. WMD’s fall under the rubric of NBC: Nuclear, Biological, Chemical.

Mustard Gas Injuries Syria
Mustard Gas Injuries Syria

Mustard gas is a chemical agent. And for the average civilian, psychologically, mustard gas would be the same as nerve agent or some end of times, extinction disease. Which it is not. It typically covers a small area and is most dangerous when it damages your lungs. Those fluid filled blisters inside your lungs typically drowns the victims.

No kidding.

I also expect that at some point in the not too distant future, civilians will be very interested in what mustard is and is not.




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