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My Dove Hunt Setup

Browning Citori O/U with International Shipping Case

As some of you know, we were in attendance for opening day for the 2016 Dove Hunting Season. This was my very first time ever doing any real “wing shooting”. Luckily, back in the 1990’s, in another life, I was invited to attend a sporting clays event.

Browning Citori Sporting Clays Lightning
Browning Citori Sporting Clays Lightning

It was quite the hoity-toity event with one shooter in my squad carrying a $25,000 Kreighoff and the other being a nationally ranked shotgun shooter.


At the time, I owned nothing that could even remotely pass a “sporting”. But with some careful consideration and advice of an old friend, I was talked into buying this Browning Citori Sporting Clays Lighting. His quote at the time was, “Mark, this is a quality shotgun that is fairly priced and will serve you no matter where or who in life you associate with”.

Browning Citori O/U
Browning Citori O/U

Time as borne out to validate his comment. A few years ago, I was working outside of DC and had to attend a high-end shotgun facility. Checking the Citori out of the armory, we showed up as instructed. During a moment of quiet, I was able to chat up an employee of this place and and ask his opinion of the Browning regarding fit and quality.

Browning Citori O/U with International Shipping Case
Browning Citori O/U with International Shipping Case

Apparently my old friend knew quite a bit more than I appreciated. This staff member looked the Browning over, looked at me shouldering it, and opening the action said, “This gun fits you perfectly. If it didn’t have factory furniture, I would appear to have been fitted for you.” And then he laughed and stated the gun was still “tight” and obviously hadn’t been shot much. Much less even “broken in”.

Author with Shotgun
Author with Shotgun

Grinning sheepishly I told him the exact round count since the mid 90’s. Pretty soon after, we both had to get back to work.


“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”

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