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Newsletter Firing on All Batteries!

John1911 Newsletter updates. Battleship Dry-dock!
John1911 Newsletter updates. Battleship firing all batteries.

So the newsletter updates are complete. Many of you will have noticed I sent out our regular Saturday mailer on Sunday. This was a test and everything went very well.

Extremely well.

So much so that even the new vendor was impressed. Our open rates are very high, the list is clean with no fake or dead email addresses on it, and our domains are all extra verified for high levels of authority against the spam checkers.

In short, we don’t F-Around when it comes to YOUR email address. Things are tight.

While John1911.com is a small operation, we operate as a much larger company publishing wise. So with that, please note our emails will be coming from the following email address. Please put this address on your VIP, white list, non-spam list.

John1911 Newsletter updates. Battleship Dry-dock!
The armory address. Yes, you can respond using this address.

(Address is embedded in an image so as not to be crawled by bots).





”Shooting Guns & Having Fun”