Home All Police Snipers Confirming 1000 Yard Dope

Police Snipers Confirming 1000 Yard Dope

Active Duty Police SWAT Sniper

I had a chance to shoot with some police snipers a while back. The main goal of this trip was to confirm 1000 yard dope on multiple rifles. But what is interesting is what you don’t see. A bunch of super high-dollar rifles.

Sure…you see some nice glass and suppressors. But you don’t need a $7000 rifle to get the job done. Not in the real world.

I am sharing this story to remind some of you at home that having your favorite brand of bullet launcher doesn’t really matter at the end of the day. What matters are the scores.

Special note: The fancy SCAR-17 and Blaser Tactical 2 are not team rifles.


“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”

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