Home All POTD – Manurhin MR88

POTD – Manurhin MR88

Manurhin MR88 38 Caliber Revolver.
Manurhin MR88 38 Caliber Revolver.

Centerfire Systems in Kentucky sent out an e-mail this week blowing out their Manurhin MR88 revolvers. For those not familiar, the MR88 is a French 38 Special, 6-shot DA/SA handgun. As I understand, it was developed in conjunction with Ruger. 

I’m not really certain about the particulars, but at some point the frames were made by Ruger and the barrels and cylinders were made by Manurhin. Later on, Manurhin might have taken over the whole thing? 

Maybe? Not really sure. I’ll let some of you figure that out.

Manurhin MR88 38 Caliber Revolver.
Manurhin MR88 38 Caliber Revolver.

As of this writing, this gun just came into the armory. So it remains unfired by us. The single action trigger pull is quite excellent. The double-action isn’t bad. It’s not creepy. Doesn’t stack or click unexpectedly. It’s just…heavy. 

No two ways about it. 

More to come. 





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