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PPS-43C 7.62x25
PPS-43C 7.62x25

I have been eyeing these PPS “pistols” since they started coming back into the country. AFAIK, there are two caliber variants: 9×19 and 7.62×25.

So imagine my excitement as I walked into Shooter’s Supply Shop (Loveland, OH); and I see this PPS-43C sitting on the counter. It had had just come in and they didn’t even have a price on it yet. 

But I didn’t make an offer since it is chambered in 7.62×25. Which is fine. But I like to keep The John1911 Armory ammunition logistics as simple as possible. So…I’m holding out for a 9mm version. 

Why? Because it’s cool. And we would register it as an SBR and probably shoot it quite a bit. For fun. So while 7.62 is good, 9mm is, “More Better” for us. 

That is unless we run across a 7.62 variant that is so ridiculously cheap the, “We have to buy it” flag is tossed. 







“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”

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