Home All POTD — PTR-MP5


PTR MP5 Clone
PTR MP-5 Clone. POTD

Ran into one of the new PTR MP-5’s while hitting various gun shops. Seems very interesting. My first impression is the word, “lite”. As in not heavy. Very lite. 

I recall the real MP-5’s as being quite a bit heavier than this. Perhaps it was because of original lights and suppressors from HK? Dunno. 

But this leaves a good first impression. I am very interested in buying one of these MP-5 re-pops one day, turning it into a MP-5SD clone, and then SBR’ing it. 

Probably won’t happen this year since the feeding frenzy over black & tactical guns has made the market too frothy IMO. Probably in 2022-23 it’ll happen. 

If that seems like a long time to you? Understand our long-term to-buy & to-do list is huge to begin with. 

Neat gun. If you have one? Let me know what you like or dislike about it. 






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