So we had our first blip with the range tractor. Showed up at the range to put in some maintenance only to discover the tractor wouldn’t even turn over.
Looking at the code it was throwing, it indicated low battery power. After cleaning the battery connections and looking at the age of the battery, best bet was battery is unsalvageable.
Two things you need to consider here. One, the tractor is a 2021 model year unit but did purchase it used. 280 hours on the clock. Second, the tractor currently sits outside. Which sucks but it’s something that is being addressed.
The MF 4707 use logs (Yes, I log usage) indicated the day the tractor wouldn’t start was the longest it has ever gone without being run since purchased last year: 13 days. Which is very unusual.
I suspect the combination of it being outside all winter in the deep cold and now the sudden spikes in temps touching the 80’s did it in. Should it have lasted longer? I think so. Additionally when buying it used, I should have asked for a new battery as part of the deal. Lessons learned.
Now that the battery is installed we will obviously have to watch it to confirm there isn’t some other creeping electrical issue draining the unit. Fingers crossed. Of note, we do a pretty good job of checking the tractor for critters, so there is that.
Summation. I was super bummed to find the tractor dead. And not having a barn is weighing heavily on my mind concerning the protection of the new range equipment. Hopefully I can get this resolved before the oncoming winter.
-“Why did you build your own company gun range?”
-“We don’t do it because it’s easy. We do it because we thought it would be easy.” 😜
“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”
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