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Relieving Blaser Tac 2 Scope Base

Scope Bell Collision Fix
J. Sip & Sons Blaser Tactical 2 barrel scope base relieved.

In the process of setting up and testing the J. Sip & Sons Blaser Tactical 2 barrels, a typical issue has shown up. Large scope objectives. 

Precision rifles tend to have high power scopes. High power scopes tend to have large objectives. And when you crank up the power on your Hubble-Space-Telescope, the eye-relief tends to shrink. Aka eye-box. 

The solution is to pull the scope’s eye-box closer to the shooter. This typically results in a collision out front with the bell. And I say typically because I have seen it happen on many makes of rifles.  

Scope Bell Collision Fix
Top view of the J. Sip 20MOA scope base.

So I cut down the front 1913 rail. Yes, it might look ghetto to the casual reader. But for someone who is a legit precision shooter, better to move the scope back a few millimeters than to move your neck forward. A-La Natural Point of Aim. 

The Reader and J. Sip & Sons wants to see the best groups I can produce out of this barrel? This has to happen. So I just did it. Also going forward, I suggest anyone buying a Tac 2 barrel from Justin ask for it to be cut down at his shop. Or…for them to do it standard on all of the scope bases. 

It’s a small tweak that can get dropped between the manufacturing side and the shooter side. But fairly common. How common? The first rail I ever cut was on a FBI sniper rifle made by FNH almost…20 years ago. 

Scope Bell Collision Fix
Factory Blaser Tactical 2 barrel. Notice the base is relieved. This is a clue.

And not for nothing, take a closer look at the front end of a factory Blaser Tactical 2 scope base. Cut back from the factory. Gotta give credit when credit is due. 

Stay tuned Blaser people. More to come on the J. Sip barrels. 






“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”

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