Home All Replacement Trijicon O-Rings

Replacement Trijicon O-Rings

Trijicon SRO replacement o-ring.
Trijicon SRO replacement o-ring.

A little late on this. Trijicon sent over some replacement O-Rings for the SRO. As for why is pretty simple. The existing o-rings had either kinked one time too often changing the batteries, or it swelled. 

Trijicon SRO replacement o-ring.
The black o-ring is the factory original. The colored rings are the upgrade – replacement.

In either case, it was causing battery contact issues. 

The new rings from Trijicon for one, seem larger. And two, are in an orange-red like color. Pretty handy way to see if the o-rings on a particular dot have been replaced with the upgrade.

The new rings seem thicker at first glance. And that is confirmed when screwing them down. It takes a lot more force to close the battery cap.

That is a good thing. Don’t want water getting down there. I’ve probably got just over 600 rounds since the change. And no problems. 

Trijicon SRO replacement o-ring.
Where the o-ring installs.

The increased force indicates, and Trijicon’s recommendation is, for users to lube the rings before install. I suspect that keeps them pliable long term. And in the near term, reduces friction for that last quarter twist. Which could lead to kinking. 

Trijicon SRO replacement o-ring.
Spare ring labeled and put away.

Still very happy with the SRO and use it on my ccw pistol. 






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