So you want to build a rifle range but you are not sure what configuration you should choose for rifle range targets? Let me offer some advice.
Your choices will be dictated more by the terrain and budget than the market.
You see this picture. It’s part of our rifle range. See how much roll our range has? That is a positive since Mother Nature did most of the work for the bullet stops.
The negatives are grass and keeping the targets visible for shooters. If your range is basically flat, running mowers around them is no different than cutting around flower beds or other yard work.
But with this much roll, the equipment available for you to safely cut the range is going be more limited. On our range, we can’t run traditional tractors because they will flip over.
The solution is off-road vehicles with low centers of gravity and pull behind mowers. The mower alone weighs over 400lbs. With the rise of the hills and the fall of gravity, cutting around the targets inevitability means grazing the t-post with the deck lid.
Any type of “footed” stand or A-frame would instantly get knocked over, and hit by the spinning mower.
I don’t know what the worst sounds in the world are. But a piece of AR500 steel bouncing around under a running bush hog deck has to be on that list somewhere. It is truly…panic inducing.
Ask me how I know.
“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”
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