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Russian Sniper in The Open

Russian Sniper In The Open
Russian Sniper In The Open

This title is a little pushy. I’m sure some of you thought this was going to be a photo from Syria or Ukraine. Or perhaps the Eastern Front during WWII. 

Nope. I took this photo at a small diner inside the US. 

Do you see it? Most folks there did not. I also figure most who did, assume it’s a toy. The decor of this place would lead the average cat to assume this. 

So being an unrepentant Gun Guy, I simply asked if I could take a look at the Russian Sniper on the wall? 

The owner immediately popped up, excited to talk about it. He is one of those gun enthusiasts types who thinks sniper rifles are cool, but doesn’t really know the in’s and outs of what he has. 

We had a good conversation. Omelets and Mosin Snipers? I’ve had worse mornings. 






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