Home All SHS-71: Winchester 1887 Lever-Action Shotgun

SHS-71: Winchester 1887 Lever-Action Shotgun

SHS-71 Winchester 1887
SHS-71 Winchester 1887

What we have on this episode of the Second Hand Showcase is something of an anomaly these days: The lever-action shotgun. 

So what is that you ask? Just what it sounds like. A lever action shotgun with a elevator, mag tube, spur hammer and shell lifter. But what makes this design even more interesting is that fact the action basically breaks in half to do this. And….it was designed by John Moses Browning himself. 

So why didn’t I buy it you ask? Simple. 10 Gauge. I have zero use or interest in something like that. If this shotgun was chambered in something more modest, this video would be featuring it as an item in our collection. 

The stats:

  • Make: Winchester
  • Model: 1887 Shotgun.
  • Year of Mfg: 1889. 
  • Caliber: 10 Gauge. 2-7/8” shell. 
  • Barrel: 32”
  • Butt pad: Checkered. Steel. 
  • Finish: appropriate for a 100 year old gun. 
  • Markings: Original Winchester company logo on receiver. 
  • Designer: John Moses Browning. 
  • Capacity: Unknown. Guessing 4 maybe 5 rounds max. 



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