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Steiner Reticle Binos

Steiner Reticle Binos - T8x56r
Steiner Reticle Binos - T8x56r

I have been casually wanting some MIL reticle binos for some time. Something to keep in my truck and handy to call corrections at moderate ranges. 

These Steiner SUMR reticle binos seem quite nice. Enough fine MIL data for general on-target calls. And enough wide/large MIL data to walk hunters in onto animals. 

The real benefit being I don’t have to have a scoped rifle handy to do that. Or vise-versa. A spotter for me doesn’t need serious glass or an spotting scope to make things work. Want to look at my hits on steel or see splash from misses? Grab the binos out of the truck. 

Steiner Reticle Binos - T8x56r
The T8x56r. My preferred setup it turns out.

This happens more often than one would think on our ranges. Just yesterday Doc and I were shooting our RDS equipped AR’s out to about 300 yards. Seeing and hearing each other’s hits was moderately easy. Detecting splash from a miss or trying to divine a group? Much harder. 

The binos.

Turns out Steiner offerers two models with the SUMR reticle. A large-ish 8×56 (Model -T856r ) set that allows A LOT of light in. And a smaller, handier 10×42 set ( Model – T1042r ) made for the US Customs & Border Patrol. 

Steiner Reticle Binos - T8x56r
The T10x42. This particular set isn’t the “r” reticle version. But Steiner does make them for USCBP.

After playing with both sets, I think the 8×56 setup is the way to go for my use-case. 515 yards and in. Beforehand I would have assumed the 10x42s were the best choice. More power in a handier package. But the 56mm objectives allow a considerable amount more light for ID’ing splash. And the 8x is more tolerant of human shake offhand. 

Steiner Reticle Binos - T8x56r
MAP – Minimum Advertised Pricing – $1359.99. I’m sure street is a little less.

Of course, the 8x56t is the more expensive of the two models. That’s just how my life works these days.  






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