Home All Tailgate Shoot – Winchester 290 

Tailgate Shoot – Winchester 290 

Winchester 290 Review
Winchester 290 Review

Tailgate Shoot – Winchester 290 

Been a hot minute since we pushed out a video. This is due to the official launch of the John1911 Store (The John1911 Armory). 

As such, I am behind on both range maintenance and video content. So after spending all day working on The Pit, here is a quick video showing the first shots of a 22 rifle we acquired probably late last year. 

It runs 22LR quiets, and it runs 22LR CCI Stingers. IMO that is a pretty wide power band on the 22 lineup. The barrel indicates it will run run 22 Shorts as well. One day I will have to get some to try it. 





“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”

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