Home 1911 Pistols Tisas 1911 Aviator – Don’t Waste Your Money

Tisas 1911 Aviator – Don’t Waste Your Money

Tisas Turd
This gun is a turd.

Recently acquired a Tisas 1911 Aviator in 9mm. On first blush, there was a lot to like. It is modeled after a series 70 lightweight commander. I liked the two tone look as I carried a Colt Combat Commander Lightweight two tone at the academy.  

Tisas Turd
Kraken’s Tisas Aviator

Added a set of Hogue finger groove grips, stripped and treated all surfaces with Militec 1.  Grabbed three different 9mm loads and hit the range.  This is where the fun stopped.  

The second shot ejected almost directly backwards striking me on the bridge of the nose and impacting my eye protection.  No arc. No upward ejection angle. Straight back, and numerous times.  I had numerous failure to feeds and failure to go fully into battery.

Tisas Aviator Group 10 yards.
Tisas Aviator Group 10 yards.

Ten yard accuracy was basically non existent.  All of these issues were replicated at approximately the same rate with two well proven hand loads and a well used factory loading including bullet weights of 115gr, 124gr, and 147gr.  

If you look past the curb appeal, Hi Point can call this Tisas a turd. 






“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”

The Kraken
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