Home 1911 Pistols Wilson eXperior Commander Double Stack

Wilson eXperior Commander Double Stack

Wilson 2011 Commander. Wilson double stack commander.
Wilson eXperior Double Stack Commander.

Wilson rolled these out a few months ago and I thought it was worth featuring here. And here’s why.

If you like the double stack Wilson X-frame guns; but always wanted a more traditional 4.25” Commander, here’s your baby. Specifically traditional internal extractor, dual radial locking lugs, and a dovetail front sight. 

Since it’s an X-frame, you still don’t get a grip-safety option. But having superior magazine body with 15+1 or 18+1 on board is always, “more better”. In my opinion anyway. 

The X-frame 1911 guns are the future for Wilson Combat specifically and all 2011ish style guns in general. You wanted a Commander that accepts common 1911 parts such as barrels and extractors? Say it with me, “Here’s your baby”. 






“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”

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