This needs to stop. Seriously. Stop buying these pieces of crap. Stop wearing these pieces of crap. Stop pretending these aren’t pieces of crap. And stop telling new shooters these AREN’T PIECES OF CRAP!
When I see a Yaqui style holster, I know at least one of possibly two things. One, this person probably doesn’t know much about guns. Or…Two, this person lives and works in a very controlled environment and not the real world.
Oh…here it comes. “But…but…Jeff Cooper”.

Knock that crap off. It’s 2016! If Jeff Cooper were to start his shooting career over today, would he be carrying and using the exact same equipment the original Jeff Cooper carried in 1973? Hell! Using that dumb logic, why wasn’t Lt. Col. Jeff Cooper dressing like a military officer commissioned in 1783 with some bright red pants and a big white feather in his hat? Because on the modern field of battle, that’s the “shoot me first outfit”.

The entire point of Jeff Cooper’s career and legacy was to test ideas and measure results. Figure out what works, discard what doesn’t. And if something better comes along, follow the data. The world didn’t stop spinning in 1973, did it?
Here’s the honest bottom line on Yaqui style holsters. A civilian gun owner could carry a handgun everyday of his life from the age of 8 to 80. And let’s say he never, ever “needs” his weapon. Never uses his weapon. Hell, he never even shoots it or trains with it. His WHOLE life the gun sits in a Yaqui style holster. Unfired. Both open and concealed carry under a garment.
With me?
Now…How many times in life (from 8-80) is he going to sit in an actual arm-chair? Work, school, business, mass transit, vehicles, porches, back yards, restaurants, weddings, coffee shops, etc. You name it.
Did I lose you?

A chair with actual arms. Of varying sizes and heights. And widths. And how many times will the bottom of that gun hit the arm and be dislodged from it’s holster? Either dangling precariously lose in the holster or outright hitting the floor like a lawn dart? Once a month? Once a year? Is any of that even acceptable?
Selfish moron alert.

If your response is to show me a particular type of chair, with your one body type and how YOU don’t have a problem, in that one instance; see category TWO above. If you say this is a non-issue, see category ONE.

Knowing what we know now. And the availably of affordable, quality holsters world wide, putting a Yaqui style holster in front of a new student as anything other than an example of what not to do is border-line criminal. The ghost of Jeff Cooper needs to rise up and start smacking some sense into you bitches.
“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”
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- Project 1 Springs – Chapter 2 - January 26, 2025
- Video Short – That’s Way Worse - January 25, 2025