Home All 2015 Freeze’s 11-Point Buck

2015 Freeze’s 11-Point Buck

Freeze's 11-Point Buck 2015

For some of our new readers, if you haven’t quite figured it out yet, the owners of tacticaltshirts.com have diverse areas of expertise and experience. And let there be no doubt, Freeze is our resident expert hunter.

Freeze's 11-Point Buck. Shot with a Vepr 12
Freeze’s 11-Point Buck. Shot with a Vepr 12

Like most accomplished hunters, he mostly shoots for meat anymore. And he fills ALL his tags most years. More often than not, he’ll use buck tags as doe tags. Or trade buck for doe tags. Why? It’s because he literally processes all his own deer. And literally fills his freezer. Hence his moniker, “Freezer Meat”.

But the Opening Day spirits were looking down on ole Freeze and rewarded him with a nice 11 Point Buck. Shot with his back-up gun. A Vepr 12. Topped with a Red Dot.

For the record, I believe this is the first deer Freeze hasn’t shot with a Mossberg 500 since the mid-80’s. It’s not confirmed, but rumor is he felt very out of sorts without his trusty Mossy and I expect it will make a comeback next year. Good as new.

“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”