Home All 2015 Hunting Season — Marky’s Stand

2015 Hunting Season — Marky’s Stand

Marky's Buck Up Close

For the rest of the week, john1911.com will be posting pictures from our 2015 hunting season. Some will be of individual hunter’s areas. Others will be at our, “field-dressing-station”. Or commonly known around here as The Barn. 😉 Some will be of our, “processing-station”. Or known as The Old White Barn.

The first pics are from my my stand and working my way across the property linearly. I could make excuses and say something like this deer was first (may have been, actually). But truthfully, between Freeze, Grandpa-Freeze and his son-in-law, they have A LOT of deer pictures. So I wish to wade into this slowly.



“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”