Home All POTD — USMC Recon Motorcycle

POTD — USMC Recon Motorcycle

Life Lesson: You should be able to drive anything.

This photo is real. It is a little dated, but the important stuff still holds true. I thought many of our readers would enjoy seeing a USMC RECON element that is using motorcycles in the reconnaissance role.

The funny looking shape up front is an extended range gas tank.

Just another day at the office.
Just another day at the office.

Closing point: There is more to life than the gun. There are more skills to master than the 600 yard qualifications. No one is saying you need to have a blackbelt in everything, but being a jack of many trades will carry you very far in life. Knowing how to read a map. Ride a bike. Skydive. Apply a tourniquet. Drive a stick-shift. Program a computer. Speak a foreign language. Swim. Tie a knot. Make small talk. Use a salad fork. Disable a nuclear warhead. Wear a tie. Ride a motorcycle.

Life Lesson: You should be able to drive anything.
Life Lesson: You should be able to drive anything.

You better get to work. This cat is way ahead of you.



“Shooting Guns & Having Fun”

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