Home All Massey-Ferguson – Snow Plow Duty

Massey-Ferguson – Snow Plow Duty

Massey Ferguson 4707 Snow Plow
Massey Ferguson 4707 Snow Plow

More new firsts with the Massey Ferguson. First we got 11 inches of snow at the range. Then 2 more came in a few days later. 

I was just gonna leave it since we don’t have a rear blade and I probably don’t have the experience to not scrape up some road gravel with the bucket. But with temps next week going down into single digits, this stuff isn’t melting anytime soon. And I already had to put the Tundra into 4-low to make it down the drive. 

Massey Ferguson 4707 Snow Plow
Pushing big piles.

If I don’t take care of this now, it will just be an ice mess next week. 

Successfully cleared a lot of the loose stuff off the top. Didn’t go all the way down to the gravel because I am still learning. But did good enough that regular cars can at least get to the barn if needed. 






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