Home 1911 Pistols Foster 1911 Frames

Foster 1911 Frames

Foster 1911 Frame. Mag-well. Milled Plunger-Tube. Included arched MSH.

Saw these up at Camp Perry this past summer. Foster 1911 frames and parts for custom / personal builds. The price was compelling. And what really got my attention were the built-in mag-well and milled plunger-tube.

Both significant upgrades to the 1911 platform.

Anyone who has run a 1911 extensively will know what I mean when referencing plunger-tubes. Not only do you need to watch out for plunger-tube stakes coming loose under use, if your 1911 is used in an actual physical fight, there is a statistical chance the tube can become dislodged or crushed.

The problem with that? Imagine a 1911 where you can’t disengage the safety. Meaning you have a dead gun.

Bad times.

The solutions to that? Standard plunger tubes are staked twice. Upgraded plunger-tubes are staked 4 times. Or better yet, milled into the frame from the factory.

Neat product. Great price.



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